My Last Blog
TRANSITION When I retired from ministry a couple of years ago, I wanted (needed) to occupy myself with writing. After all, I had been...

The Hedonic Treadmill—(Affluenza)
What should your attitude be toward wealth? Is wealth evil? Not in itself, however, there’s something about wealth and the pursuit of...

The Ambivalence of Truth—(Relativism)
Last week I started a series of blogs called “Doing Life God’s Way—In a Secular Culture.” I started by looking at Consumerism and the...

“The Selling of Cool (Consumerism)”
I’m starting a new series of blogs called, Doing Life God’s Way. I want to address a few cultural issues through the lens of God’s...

Truth Must Lead to Action
In this series of blogs, Truth: Fluid or Final? I’ve been writing about the finality of God’s truth as found in the scriptures. Yes,...

Apply The Word
The intention of this series of blogs called, Truth: Fluid or Final, has been to give a greater appreciation and confidence in God's...

Why You Should Trust the Bible’s Truth
I’m writing a series of blogs called TRUTH—FLUID OR FINAL. Ultimate truth is not as fluid as our pop-culture would believe. God has...

Illumination—When the Light Goes On
We live in a time where right and wrong, good and bad, truth and lies, is constantly changing. Is there even an ultimate truth? From a...

How God Speaks His Truth to You
I’m in a series of blogs called “Truth: Fluid or Final?” I’m talking about how God revealed himself and His truth through his word. I’m...

You Can Trust The Bible
They’re moving the target! Increasingly we live in a culture where the bull's eye of right and wrong, good and bad, truth and lies, is...