My Last Blog

TRANSITION When I retired from ministry a couple of years ago, I wanted (needed) to occupy myself with writing. After all, I had been writing sermons, Bible Studies, and other spiritually themed content for over 30 years. I couldn’t stop cold turkey! Instead, I developed MyNextStepInLife—a blog site where I could post Biblically based writings for public consumption. My personal hope was to regularly engage the scriptures for my own discipline and to inspire others toward spiritual growth. If you have been in some small way, inspired, informed, and spiritually stirred by reading my blogs, I thank God! I feel these months of writing have helped me transition into ministry retirement.
NOW WHAT? I’m asking God what is next for me. I know that retirement for Christ-followers isn’t real. How can I stop representing my Savior to those around me? Until the Lord brings clarity to me for anything specific, I have grandchildren to keep me active. And in whatever way I can, I will reveal Jesus to them!
THANK YOU! I know that there is a handful of you who have read many of my blogs and were engaged with MyNextStepInLife from the start. Thank you for your faithfulness. Knowing that people were reading and benefitting from the blog encouraged me greatly.
STAY FAITHFUL I want to encourage you to love God first and foremost in your life. Love others around you with the love of Christ. And never forget, Jesus called you to show others the way to him. Stay faithful to your calling!
Love in Jesus, Tim