The Ambivalence of Truth—(Relativism)
Last week I started a series of blogs called “Doing Life God’s Way—In a Secular Culture.” I started by looking at Consumerism and the...

Truth Must Lead to Action
In this series of blogs, Truth: Fluid or Final? I’ve been writing about the finality of God’s truth as found in the scriptures. Yes,...

Apply The Word
The intention of this series of blogs called, Truth: Fluid or Final, has been to give a greater appreciation and confidence in God's...

Why You Should Trust the Bible’s Truth
I’m writing a series of blogs called TRUTH—FLUID OR FINAL. Ultimate truth is not as fluid as our pop-culture would believe. God has...

Illumination—When the Light Goes On
We live in a time where right and wrong, good and bad, truth and lies, is constantly changing. Is there even an ultimate truth? From a...