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The Mainspring of Life

Daniel Meyer, the pastor of Christ Church in Oak Brooke, Illinois relates the story of Mike Kami. Mike is a consultant who has directed the central planning of a number of corporate giants. He’s known for raising one interesting question as he consults with CEO’s, executives and managers—He asks this question: “What's in the box?” And by that, he’s asking, “What is the mainspring of your business, the driving force, the ruling consideration for you?” In helping leaders answer that question, Kami tells of an experience he had consulting with Coca-Cola executives in 1985. He asked those people the same question: “What's in the box for you?” The executives of Coca-Cola reflected on that and decided that what was in the Coca-Cola box was “Great taste.” So, the executives decided to make a better tasting product.

They changed the formula, did numerous taste tests, and after 99 years of the same Coke taste, they introduced into stores, the “New Coke.” The problem was, the general public didn’t want a new Coke. There was an uproar from consumers—they wanted the old Coke back. The CEO of Coca-Cola received tons of letters; one letter was addressed to the “Chief Dodo of The Coca-Cola Company.” He didn’t know if he was more upset with the letter or because the US Mail Service actually delivered it to him! Another person wrote and asked for his autograph because, “in years to come, the signature of one of the dumbest executives in American business history would be worth a fortune.” Consumers started filling basements with cases of old Coke. Protest groups sprung up. Songs were written to honor the old taste.

Desperate, the company called Mike Kami back in for another planning session. Here’s what Mike told them: “You put the wrong word in the box—try it again.” So, for several hours, the executives from Coca-Cola talked and they realized that they had tampered with an American institution, like motherhood and apple pie. They took “Great Taste” out of the box and put “American Tradition” in the box. The result was to go back to the original formula and call it “Coke Classic" and Coca-Cola consumers were happy once again.

Pastor Daniel Meyer went on to say this: “What if we took that concept of ‘What’s in the Box’ and asked that of ourselves? What if we really asked ourselves, ‘What are my primary interests and passions?’ ‘What is the mainspring of my life; what do I value most?’ ‘What is my driving force and ruling consideration for my life?’ Because as you answer that, you’ll know what’s in the box for you.”

As I continue the series of blogs, “Jesus Christ—Unassuming or Unsettling?” I want to look into the event in the life of Jesus where his unsettling presence in a man’s life forced the man to a point of crisis and by extension, it is our crisis as well.


So, if you can identify the main thing in your box, you’ll know who you are and why you make the choices you do each day. And if you don’t know what your main thing is, you'll oscillate between different values and live a confused life. For example, if you say, “Jesus Christ is my main thing,” you’re saying “yes” to his truth, his mission, his leadership, purposes, presence, and power to occupy every quality, viewpoint, trait, and characteristic of your life. If Jesus is your primary loyalty, you’ll find yourself ordering other significant loyalties under his influence and direction. That means that loyalties to your spouse, children, career, friends, recreation, and leisure all are surrendered to the influence of Jesus. He becomes the preeminent influence over every aspect of your life. I want to point you to a very familiar story where a man was given that choice—Matthew 19:16-22…

16 Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?” 17 “Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keep the commandments.” 18 “Which ones?” the man asked. And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. 19 Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.’” 20 “I’ve obeyed all these commandments,” the young man replied. “What else must I do?” 21 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 22 But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

This young man of wealth stood on the precipice of worldly success; he likely had a “Type A” personality with a desire to have his life all figured out and in order. He thought he was almost there, except for his lingering doubts about God. He basically asks Jesus, “Is there a good deed I can do to ensure that I get to heaven?” Jesus replied, “If you want eternal life, keep the commandments…‘You must not murder…must not commit adultery...must not steal…must not testify falsely…Honor your father and mother…Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The young man claimed, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments…What else…” In other words: “I'm doing all the right things. I'm managing my moral life. But I feel like something is missing!” The knife of conviction was plunged into this young man’s heart when Jesus focused on the main thing in this man’s box…”

“…go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.”

Essentially, Jesus said to the young man, “What you lack is the right thing in your box. If you want a full life and the eternal things God offers, take out what's in your box; stop depending on yourself, your skills, your riches, and possessions and follow me wholeheartedly. Take yourself out as the primary person in your box and allow me to fill it!”

In reality, this young man’s ingenuity, drive, wealth and possessions defined him; it had him—it’s what he filled his box with. It was the mainspring and driving force of his life.


Jesus introduced what really mattered—the Kingdom of God and himself as Lord and King, and it launched the young man into a spiritual crisis. This is what makes Jesus unsettling. He comes to you and me and asks us the same question: “Do you have your box in order?”

What’s the mainspring, the driving force, the ruling consideration in your life? What’s in your box? Jesus knew the young man was out of balance; that what filled his life was actually the pursuit of money, possessions, security, contentment, comfort, success, power, and stature. It caused the young man to lack compassion and care for others. Money and the possessions he could buy is what this man depended upon for meaning and security to his life. To be sure, money and possessions, in and of themselves, isn’t sinful. However, if possessions and money displace God, it certainly is a sin and it causes life to be out of balance.

For you and me, it could be those things that tripped up the rich young man, but then again, it could be anything. It could be booze, pills, drugs, sex, anger, pride, or a myriad of other things. There’s a lot of “stuff” that can become the driving force and ruling consideration in your life. It could be your career or recreation. It could be intangible things that you elevate in your life—the need for approval, being a people-pleaser, the need for control. Any and all can displace God and become what you value most in life. Yes, you can fill the box of your life with tangible and non-tangible things that introduce imbalance. That’s where the rich young man was at and Jesus took him to a place of crisis, “…when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.” Is this “Unsettling Jesus” taking you to your own place of crisis?

If God isn’t central to your life right now, are you willing to set aside those things that have become the mainsprings of your life? The things that rule your day to day existence must be faced if you’re a follower of Jesus. Instead of being dejected and sad and walking away from Jesus, be willing to fill your box with him each day.



1. If you’re ready for Jesus to fill your box and become the main thing, start checking inside your box more often. Be ready to purge it. Unpack any attitude, thing, or practice that’s displacing Jesus from leading, directing, and inspiring your life. Allow Jesus to keep that replacement process going and growing.

2. Jesus has seen inside your box. He knows. So, what is one thing you can identify right now that’s challenging God’s preeminence (supremacy, authority, and prominence) in your life? What is one thing that has been elevated above your love for God or his truth? Will you let him take the place of what you have packed in your box and made #1? He knows what’s there. Be honest today with yourself and with God. Change your formula. Repent, turn away, unpack and allow Jesus to be central in your life!

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